2024 - Denieul-Pinsky L. "Mapping Cadastral Records as Evidence of Colonial Land Theft: A Kanehsata'kehró:non-backed Investigation into the Archives of Quebec’s Sulpician Priests"
(PhD Thesis)
2024 - O'Rourke K. "Grave Matters: Mapping the Untold Stories of the Saint-Colomban Cemetery" (MSc Thesis)
2024 - Shahamati S. “Mapping the Invisible City: Revealing the Intangible Heritage of Parc-Extension through Narrative Cartography" (PhD Thesis)
2024 - Brubacher C. “Emotional Cartography: A Geocritical Analysis of Montréal’s Mid-20th Century Novels” (Honors Thesis) (MSc Thesis)
2024 - Bengle, S. “Dessiner l’écoute : cartographie d’entretiens autour de la vie et de l’œuvre de Jean-Paul Riopelle" (MSc Thesis)
2022 - Alavez J. “If I die Far from You: Deep Mapping Grief and Loss in the Context of Migration”, (PhD thesis)
2021 - Valcourt T. “Aerial Perspectives, Landscape, and Power: Politicized Images in Art and Visual Culture”, (PhD thesis in Humanities – Main Supervisor: J. Sloan)
2020 - Parish A. "Mapping Montreal Flaneurs' Stories" (MSc thesis)
2019 - Novkovic A. “Alley Atlas: from non-place to place in six maps” (MSc thesis)
2018 - Honarmand, F. “Cinema and the Production of Spatial Memories: Fifty Years of Representing 1960s Montréal in Québécois Films” (MSc Thesis)
2018 - McGurk, T. “Indigenous online Mapping in Canada - Decolonizing or recolonizing forms of spatial expressions?” (MSc Thesis)
2017 - Shaw, E. 2017. “Parsing Perceptions of Place: Locative and Textual Representations of Place Émilie-Gamelin on Twitter” (MSc Thesis)
2017 - Markovsky N. “Mapping Services for Refugees in Montréal”, (Honors Thesis)
2016 - Ng-Chan, T. “Detouring the Commute (the art and practice of everyday travel)”, (PhD Thesis)
2015 - Yang, M. “The Route Towards The Shawshank Redemption: Mapping Set-jetting with Social Media” (MSc Thesis)
2015 - Dimitrovas, S. “Putting Storytelling Back on the Map: A Comparative Analysis of Online Cartographic Applications to Map Life Stories” (Honors Thesis)
2013 - Naud, D. “Les discours ruraux, urbains et périurbains du cinéma québécois”, (PhD Thesis)
2013 - Plenzich, P. “# Protest: Geographic Data Mining of Twitter Content Based in Montreal, Quebec” (Honors Thesis)
2012 - De Melo, A. “Living with Wind Farms: A Case Study in St. Ulric, Québec”, (Honors Thesis)
2012 - Gregory, J. A. “Place and Displacement: Mapping Kouchibouguac” (Honors Thesis)
2024 - Amakarita Mbarankuru y’Urwibutso // Mapping Memory – Atlases of Rwandan Life Story, Genocide Memorial of Kigali, Gisozi, Rwanda, June 7 – 16, 2024 (co-organizers: S. Caquard, M-J Gicali, E. Kayiganwa, A. Kamanzi, É. Olmedo, S. Bengle, and many others)
2023 - Cartographies de la mémoire - Atlas des récits de vie rwandais // Mapping Memory – Atlases of Rwandan Life Story, Centre d’Histoire Orale et de Récits Numérisés (COHDS-CHORN), Concordia University, April 28 – May 18, 2023 (co-organizers: S. Caquard, É. Olmedo, E. Kayiganwa, S. Bengle, M. Lavorel, S. Gasana, K. O’Rourke, M-J Gicali and many others)
Workshops & Events
2024 - Mémorial cartographique à la mémoire des victimes du génocide contre les Tutsi du Rwanda, 27 avril 2024, Atelier de cartographie collaborative organisé en collaboration avec l’association Page-Rwanda, Cathédrale Marie Mère du Monde, Montréal, April 28, 2024 (Co-organizers: S. Caquard, M-J Gicali).
2022 - Mapping Stories: Alternative Methods, Tools and Practices (a series of 4 workshops) COHDS, Montreal (co-organizers: J. Alavez, Y. Baumann, S. Bengle, S. Caquard, É. Olmedo, L. Pinsky-Denieul, K. Pinvidic, S. Shahamati, and E. Shaw)
2022 - Mapping Oral History: How to Create a Free Online Story Atlas with Atlascine (1h30 online workshop) COHDS, Montreal (co-organizers: S. Caquard, E. Shaw & S. Shahamati)
2021 - Mapping Indigenous Stories with Atlascine (a series of 3 virtual workshop sessions), Indigenous Mapping Workshop 2021, Turtle Island, on November 1st-5th, 2021 (co-organizers: Sébastien Caquard, Emory Shaw and Léa. Denieul)
2021 - Series of conversations around Maps & Stories, Montreal (QC), Feb 3, Feb 25, March 23, April 8, and June 3, 2021 (co-organizers Sébastien Caquard, José Alavez, Léa Denieul, Élise Olmedo, Sepideh Shahamati, and Emory Shaw)
2018 - MappingBack Designing Alternative Indigenous Maps (a series of 8 workshop sessions organized in the context of the Indigenous Mapping Workshop), Montreal (QC), Aug. 20-23, 2018 (co-organizers: Annita Lucchesi, Tom McGurk, Heather Elliott & Sébastien Caquard)
2017 - Maps and Emotions, The George Washington University, Washington DC, July 1-2, 2017 (co-organizers: Amy Griffin, Alex Kent & Sébastien Caquard)
2017 - Mapping my own life story: A workshop series on artistic cartography, Concordia University, Montreal, May 18, May 25 and June 9, 2017 (co-organizers: Stefanie Dimitrovas, Emory Shaw, Jose Alavez & Sébastien Caquard)
2015 - Community mapping Summit, Concordia University, Montreal, Nov. 25-27, 2015 (co-organizers: Peter Keller, Steven High, Maeve Lydon, Crystal Tremblay, Susan Eden & Sébastien Caquard)
2015 - Mapping Ephemeralities / Ephemeral Cartographies, Rio de Janeiro, August 21-22, 2015 (co-organizers: Taien Ng-Chan, Laurene Vaughan, Chris Perkins, Jörn Seemann & Sébastien Caquard)
2014 - Cartographier les récits : enjeux méthodologiques et technologiques, 82e congrès de l’ACFAS, Université Concordia, Montréal (QC) / 12-13 mai 2014 (Co-organizers: Thierry Joliveau & Sébastien Caquard)
2013 - Maps and Games, Workshop, Dresden, Aug. 24th, 2013 (Co-organizers: Barbara Piatti, Chris Perkins & Sébastien Caquard)
2012 - Cartography and Narratives, Workshop, ETH Zurich, June 11-13, 2012 (Co-organizers: Barbara Piatti, Anne-Kathrin Reuschel & Sébastien Caquard)
2011 - Mapping Processes and Practices: Arts, Maps and Society, Workshop, Institut de Géographie, Paris, July 2nd, 2011 (Co-organizers: Chris Perkins & Sébastien Caquard)
2010 - Mapping Environmental Issues in the City: Arts and Cartography Cross perspectives, Workshop Concordia University, Sept. 8-10, 2010 (Co-organizers: Vaughan L., Cartwright W. & Sébastien Caquard)
Papers & Book Chapters/Reviews
Olmedo É., Kayiganwa E. and Caquard S. (2024) Co-Creative Mapping of Memory, The Handbook of Cartographic Humanities, T. Rossetto and L. Lo Presti (eds.): Routledge, 291-391.
Alavez J. and Caquard S. (2023) Mapping-Ofrenda: Mapping as Mourning in the Context of Migration, Journal of Cultural Geography, 40:1, 21-46, https://doi.org/10.1080/08873631.2023.2187490
Denieul-Pinsky, L. (2023). (Re)purposing cadasters: When ecclesiastical archives advocate for Indigenous land rights. Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes,1–17 https://doi.org/10.1111/cag.12883
Denieul-Pinsky, L. (2023, September 28.). Mapping unmarked graves: Why the Mohawk Mothers are fighting McGill University. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/mapping-unmarked-graves-why-the-mohawk-mothers-are-fighting-mcgill-university-214204
Denieul-Pinsky, L. (2023). Rights and responsibilities: Shifting Community Perspectives on Kalamos Island, Greece. Terralingua. https://terralingua.org/langscape_articles/rights-and-responsibilities-shifting-community-perspectives-on-kalamos-island-greece/
Olmedo É, and Caquard S. (2022) Mapping the Skin and the Guts of Stories: A Dialog Between Geolocated and Dislocated Cartographies, Cartographica 57:2, pp. 127-146, https://doi.org/10.3138/cart-2021-0006
Shahamati S., Denieul L. , Baumann Y. , Shaw E. and Caquard S. (2022). uMap: A Free Open-Source Alternative to Google My Maps. Cartographic Perspectives, (99). https://doi.org/10.14714/CP99.1729
Caquard S., Shaw E. and Alavez J. (2021) How Distant is Close Enough? Assessing the Geographic Distortions of a Distant Hearing Methodology for Mapping Life Stories, GeoHumanities-https://doi.org/10.1080/2373566X.2021.1965898
Alavez J., Rachédi L., and Caquard S. (2021). (Deep) Mapping postmortem geographies in the context of migration, From the European South Journal 8: 29-46 (ISSN 2531-4130)-http://europeansouth.postcolonialitalia.it/8-journal-issue/26-8-2021-contents
Denieul L. (2021). Book review of « Radical Cartographies: Participatory Mapmaking from Latin America» by Bjørn Sletto, Joe Bryan, Alfredo Wagner, and Charles Hale (2020), published in Antipode
Shahamati, S.(2020) Landscape Quality Assessment based on People’s Perception (Study on Two Green Spaces in Newcastle upon Tyne), European Journal of Environmental Sciences, 65-75.
Olmedo, E. (2020) Engager les subjectivités par la cartographie. Itinéraire d’une géographe. Poétique des mondes scientifiques: 133-142.
Olmedo, E. (2020) Dans le ventre des cartes, In Poisson M. Vastes parages, Châteauvert, Centre d’art contemporain: 38-41.
Caquard, S., (2020). Atlases, Online. In: Kobayashi, A. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition. vol. 1, Elsevier, pp. 235–241.
Caquard S. (2020). Ces liens que tissent les cartes textiles / Textile maps’ ties that bind, In Vaughan K. You Are Here * Vous êtes ici, Montreal : Centre des arts visuels et Galerie McClure : 15-18.
Caquard S., Shaw E., Alavez J., and Dimitrovas S. (2019) Mapping Memories of Exiles: Combining Conventional and Alternative Cartographic Approaches, in Sarah De Nardi, Hilary Orange, Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto, Danielle Drozdzewski and Steven High (eds.), Memoryscape Handbook, Routledge: 52-66.
Alavez, J. (2019). La élite del camino: una aproximación cartográfica para analizar las historias de vida de estudiantes mexicanos de posgrado. TECCOGS – Revista Digital de Tecnologias Cognitivas, n. 19, jan./jun. 2019, p. 53-73
Valcourt T. & Caquard S. (2019) From Earthrise to Google Earth: The Vanishing of the Vanishing Point, in Nancy Duxbury, W.F. Garrett-Petts, and Alys Longley (eds.), Artistic Approaches to Cultural Mapping: Activating Imaginaries and Means of Knowing, Routledge, 278-295.
Yang M. & Caquard S. (2019) Mapping The Shawshank Redemption: Film Tourism, Geography and Social Media, in Anton Escher, Chris Lukinbeal and Stefan Zimmermann (eds.), Media’s Mapping Impulse, Verlag: Stuttgard: 281-300.
Joliveau T., Noucher M., Couderchet L., and Caquard S. (2018) Enseigner le géoweb à distance par la pratique et la critique, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 5/2017 : 11-33.
Caquard S. (2015) Cartography III: A post-representational perspective on cognitive cartography, Progress in Human Geography 39(2): 225-235 doi: 10.1177/0309132514527039
Caquard S. (2015). Book review of « Imaginaire de l’espace dans le cinéma québécois » by Andrée Fortin (2015), published in to Cahiers de Géographie du Québec 59 (166), 142-143.
Caquard S. and Cartwright W. (2014) Narrative cartography: From mapping stories to the narrative of maps and mapping, The Cartographic Journal 51(2): 101-106 doi: 10.1179/0008704114Z.000000000130
Caquard S. (2014) Cartography II: Collective Cartographies in the Social Media Era, Progress in Human Geography 38(1) 141–150 doi: 10.1177/0309132513514005
Caquard S. and Fiset J.P. (2014). How Can We Map Stories? A Cybercartographic Application for Narrative Cartography, The Journal of Maps 10(1): 18-25 doi: 10.1080/17445647.2013.847387
Caquard S., and Naud D. (2014). A Spatial Typology of Cinematographic Narratives. In Taylor D.R.F. and Lauriault T.P. (eds.), Developments in the Theory and Practice of Cybercartography: Applications in Indigenous Mapping (2nd edition), Elsevier, 161-174.
Caquard S. (2013). Cartography 1: Mapping Narrative Cartography, Progress in Human Geography 37(1): 135-144 doi: 10.1177/0309132511423796
Caquard S., Naud D. and Wright B. (2013). Mapping Film Audiences in Multicultural Canada. In Hallam J. and Roberts L. (eds.), Locating the Moving Image: New Spatial Methodologies, Indiana Press University, 130-149.
Caquard S., Naud D. and Gonzalés R. (2012). Esquisses géographiques des récits cinématographiques canadiens contemporains, The Canadian Geographer 56(4): 508-530 doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0064.2012.00443.x
Joliveau T. and Caquard S. (2012). Instrumenter et analyser les liens entre espace et fiction à l’ère numérique. In V. Maleval, M. Picker et F. Gabaude (eds.), Géographie poétique et cartographie littéraire, Limoges, édition des PULIM, 35-47.
Caquard S. (2011). Cartographies of Fictional Worlds: Conclusive Remarks, The Cartographic Journal 48(4): 1–2.
Caquard S. (2011). Book review of “The Map as Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography” by Katharine Harmon, published in The Canadian Geographer 55(2): 268-269.
Caquard S. (2011). Book review of “Journeys Beyond The Neatline—Expanding The Boundaries of Cartography”, by Coulis M. J., Rangel M. J. & Jones D. L, published in Cartographica 46(2): 139-140.